Saturday, October 31, 2009

Neck Less Army

Everyone, who is not a spelling genius, has a word that—no matter what—they always need the spell checker to get right. At least I hopes so. For me that word is necessary. Hmm…that’s a bit confusing way to put it. I know…quotes. For me that word is “Necessary”. I can’t begin to fathom all the ways I’ve misspelled that word and I swear I never get past it without that red zigzag line showing up under it. So I am determined to banish that word from my spelling handicap. It is…crucial to do!
But how to do it…nine letters…three squared. I could play the license game with it. We used to do this…WA state plates are three numbers and three letters and as we’re driving, Mandy and I would come up with words that use all three letters in order (they can be divided by other letters but not rearranged). For example, my license plate has SSR on it—therefore necessary would actually be a winning word for it. So since my word has nine letters that can be three license plates: NEC – ESS – ARY
That’s easy. NEC just needs a K to be ‘NECK’. ESS also just needs one letter to become ‘LESS’ and if you add an M to ARY, you’d get ARMY (Mary is a proper noun). So to spell NECESSARY you’d just think “Neck Less Army” and remember to drop the K, L, and M.
Hmm…kinda tricky. I think it’s neseccary…er…essential to try something else. Jimmy Cricket taught me to spell encyclopedia by singing it. Nine letters would…call for a three note song. Not a lot of those out there that ends after three measures. I thought “Three Blind Mice” immediately but only 9 note sort of leaves you hanging: En-Ee-See, Ee-Es-Es, Aa-Ar-Why…Why am I caught up here on a high note…where’s the rest of the song? A longer word is nesscary…er…needed.
NEC-ESS-ARI-LY is 2 more with is eleven and a prime number…divisible by one and itself. Yuck! NEC-ESS-ITA-TED has four bars of three beats…easier. Still…not much further in the song. Alas! We’re losing focus here.
Another method is necceccary…er…required
Could always go with the old stand-by: the super long acronym. Just gotta come up with a title or better yet a sentence that starts with the letters of NECESSARY. N could be nice. That’s nice…lot’s of them use nice. Adjective. Very flexible. E followed by C…well I love cats so I know I want to use Cats for C so that means I need another adjective for E….hmm…Excited? Yes, cats can be excited…maybe…if they’re toying with their food before eating it. E equals eat. You should see Eve with a spider. Wait…I need an S! Spider! Two SS…silly spider? Not bad…okay. ARY…already got subject, verb and object…if I go with And for A I could add another object R Y…what’s some cat food that begins with Y? Difficult. I can think of an animal…a yak…Sesame Street Standby for Y limericks. But cats don’t eat Yaks…unless they were really small and we’re talking about a big cat like a lion. Small…R…Runty! Runty Yaks…but why would a lion bother with Silly Spiders.
Oh well…better not think too hard on it.
So we have: “Nice Excited Cats Eat Silly Spiders and Runty Yaks”.
Whoa…now that’s really REALLY dumb.
One begins to wonder if all this is neccessary…er…obligatory. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to spell it without the…indispensable spell check? Well…could always write it over and over again.
But if I’m going to do that, might as well not waste it. I should blog it! Yeah! What a good idea! Let’s try that…(continued at the top of page)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Faux Glass

My latest polymathic pursuit is making faux stain glass using Deco Art's Liquid Rainbow. How did I get started on this? Well I was wandering through the paint section of the Joann's and I saw this blank plastic sheet. I wondered what it was for. It didn't take much looking to find an instruction book explaining that this plastic sheet was for paint which would dry into a window cling. It starts with Leading Paint:
You wait a couple of hours for it to dry then you fill in with the color paint. It's cloudy to start and looks like this:
But it dries to a surface that mimics stained glass. The colors take a lot longer to dry and they'll tear if it's not thick enough so I often add another layer if I can. You then slowly peal it off the clear plastic and it's ready to go up on a window like this:
And Ta-Da! Elly has a new fad hobby which should keep her happy until Christmas at least.