Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My First V-Blog

Like other firsts with a new camera...this one starts with an excellent view of my chest and much fiddling around with a camera...which I just knew you'd love to see!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Humongous List of To-Blog

Mom has sent me an email letting me know that she has noticed Mandy, Megan and my blogs have been sadly neglected. I looked and indeed it is true, I have a long list of things I should’ve blog here and have not yet. They are:
  1. Hatsumode 2010
  2. My nifty sparkler Paint Shop Pro (PSP) Image
    2010 Sparkers PSP image
  3. My Singing and Voice Over classes I took in the Winter at Green River CC…with a side note about my shiny new Seattle Public Library card I got and the great books of sheet music I found there.
    My Class

  4. My new glasses and adventures with Crazy Eye contacts
  5. My trip to see Dad for his birthday and the resulting demos thereof
  6. Seeing South Pacific at the 5th Avenue Theatre with Pam
  7. Radcon where I was once again a visiting pro
  8. Seeing Legally Blond at the 5th Avenue Theatre with Pam
  9. And We'll take yours!
  10. Seeing Beckett in Macbeth
  11. My trip to Boise, the WarHawk Museum and the merry St. Patrick’s Day party my sister and I attended

    Warhawk Vs Mandy

    P's Day Party in Nampa
  12. Apartment Hunting and my big move to Ballard
  13. My winter obsession with Kusudama and the class I taught on them (and the PSP edited B&W isolation image I created)
    Color Kusudama Image
  14. My trip to finally see the Ballard Locks
  15. Seeing Beckett in Grease
  16. Seeing The Two Gentlemen of Verona at the Center House Theatre with Pam
  17. A Meeting I attended of The Seattle Sea Kayaker’s Club and the Kayak Meetup.com site I just found. Plus pictures of Lake Auburn from my kayak and possibly a bit about Stimson Marina where I’m now keeping my kayak.
  18. DSC_0030

  19. Adventures with Peeps, Rice Crispy treats and Sushi knives
  20. My first Amtrak ride
    In the Bistro
Wow! I’m a busy girl! Plus, that’s really not all…I’ve imagined several useful tip type blogs I thought would be fun to write about like “Which store has the best grocery totes”, for example. Whatever shall I do first?